Why A Low-carb Diet Can Help You Lose Weight

Why A Low-carb Diet Can Help You Lose Weight #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #energysource #weightloss #lowcarbdiet #highproteindiet

These days, everyone seems to be talking about low-carb diets. One of the simplest and most efficient strategies to reduce weight is to cut carbohydrates. Let’s find out together and see how exactly this diet helps you to lose weight

What Is It?

Low-carb diets have gotten a lot of attention in recent years. While there is no universally accepted definition in healthcare, the media, or the general public, eating 50 to 130 grams of carbohydrates per day is considered low carb, while eating fewer than 50 grams per day is considered extremely low carb. Many people have found these diets to help control their weight, and some have found that lowering their carb intake makes it simpler to manage their diabetes.

The Philosophy Behind Low Carb

Our bodies have two primary energy sources: glucose or sugar and fat. When we eat carbohydrates-containing meals, we offer glucose to our bodies. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar glucose and absorbed into the circulation. It then goes to the body’s cells, where it is converted into energy. Our bodies can also produce glucose on their own. When our glucose intake is low, as it is on a low-carb diet, our bodies resort to fat for energy, which can be dietary fat such as animal fat butter or avocado or stored body fat. Glucose is a more rapid source of energy. The body breaks it down more quickly.

It can be utilized for energy more quickly, however, this energy is just temporary. When we consume high-carbohydrate foods, our blood glucose rises, but when the glucose is delivered to our cells, our blood sugar falls and our energy levels plummet. This is when we begin to feel hungry once more. Our bodies can only store roughly 500 grams of glucose as glycogen, which is approximately 1800 calories. Fat, on the other hand, is a reliable source of energy, with about double the potential energy of carbs. When we don’t obtain enough energy from glucose, our bodies start to break down and use this stored energy instead.

Glucose Vs Fat

Even someone who is extremely slim has over 100,000 calories of stored energy in the form of fat on their body. However, because glucose is a faster source of energy, our systems will consume it first whenever it is available, so if we are continually ingesting carbs throughout the day, our bodies will not have the opportunity to dip into our stored body fat. We will never dip into our fat storage if our glucose tank is full, and we will lose our ability to some extent since we are so reliant on glucose.

Sugar Craving

We’ve all experienced energy dumps caused by our bodies’ need for sugar, which is your body’s way of indicating that it requires more glucose. If you persevere long enough, your body will begin to produce ketones, although the early change might be difficult.

When you eat a low-carb diet, you naturally consume less sugar. Some carbohydrate items are highly processed and include a lot of free sugars and fat. Biscuits, desserts, sweet pastries, chocolate, sweets, and sugary beverages are among them. If you limit your carb intake, you may find that you can easily skip these less-healthy items.

A low-carb habit may result in a more balanced diet. For example, if half of your dinner plate is generally made up of potatoes, rice, or pasta, you may cut these carbohydrates down to a quarter of a plate and increase your vegetable intake.

Losing Weight

A low-carb, high-protein diet can aid in weight loss. This is since protein keeps you satiated for longer than carbohydrates. Some forms of protein, like carbohydrates, are better than others, so choose high-quality proteins like chicken, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and tofu. The majority of people may lose weight by limiting calories and increasing physical exercise. You must consume 500 to 750 fewer calories each day to lose 0.5 to 0.7 kilograms per week.

Low-carb diets, especially extremely low-carb diets, may cause more weight reduction in the short term than low-fat diets. However, most studies have concluded that the advantages of a low-carb diet are minimal beyond 12 or 24 months. Weight loss with low-carb diets may be due to more than just calorie and carb reduction. Increased protein and fat in your diet may help you lose weight by helping you feel filled for longer, making you eat less.

In the early phases of a low-carb diet, weight loss can be quick. This is related to the loss of glycogen, which is made up of around 25% glucose and 75% water and is stored in the body. As a result, when you start a low-carb diet, you lose water from your body’s reserves. This early weight reduction can be a terrific beginning, but it’s crucial to realize that weight loss slows after the first few weeks.


Many doctors throughout the world have begun prescribing low-carb diets to their patients for a variety of symptoms and diseases, with overwhelmingly favorable outcomes. If you have diabetes (or are at risk of acquiring it), a low-carb diet can help you control your blood glucose levels after meals. Some people even find that they need less diabetic medication as a result of their lifestyle changes.

Low-carb diets are quite successful in improving your overall health and quality of life. Try one of the variations of low-carb diets and hopefully, this change will be one of the best decisions in your life. Learn more about low-carb diets in this article from Proper Good.