New International Version Bible: Tips for Reading & Reflecting

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New International Version Bible #bible #jesus #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #wordofgod #faith #christian

Reading or studying the Bible can feel overwhelming, even for those experienced in the Christian faith. New readers often don’t know where to start, and those returning to regular reading after a break can struggle with consistency. The New International Version is a popular choice among modern readers. This article offers tips and strategies to help you read the Holy Text as much or as little as you please.

Reading the Bible Everyday

Someone who wishes to read the Holy Text and implement God’s Words in day-to-day life should begin reading it every day for five minutes. Reading or studying the Holy Text shouldn’t be like a chore or a to-do checklist. People should read it to know more about God’s Words and practice His preachings. Often, Christian believers and readers take studying the Bible as a chore and end up missing out on reading on most days.

Reading a User-Friendly Version

The ancient Bible was available in Greek and Hebrew. Today, people find a variety of versions and languages. Some are accurate, and others are user-friendly and more convenient to follow. One version that is easy to read and understand is the New International Version Bible. People find reading the Bible version comfortable and easy because of the modern-day English words and phrases. Further, the New International Version Bible is translational-by-translational, making it easy to understand and read consistently.

Reflecting on the Study

Everyone needs help remembering every word and phrase they read or study the Holy Text. Biblical scholars and experts suggest that people should take time while studying or reading the Holy Text. There will be days when believers and readers should re-read the same passage multiple times to understand the inner meanings. It is better to maintain a journal and write down favorite verses. Reading the passages or verses that inspire helps people lead a calmer and more peaceful life. Maintaining the journal helps individuals reflect on their journey to understand God and implement His Words.

Going to a Bible Study

Going to a group study is not a compulsion, but it helps people learn and understand more about the new international version of the Bible. Numerous studies are available targeting men, women, young kids, students, military personnel, married people, and singles. People should choose the Holy Text that caters to their demands and needs. They should enquire about Bible studies at NGOs (non-profit organizations) and local churches in the area.

Meditating on the Holy Text

It is said that an individual thinks throughout the day, seeps into the mind and heart, and controls life. If people begin to memorize and meditate on the Holy Text, their mindset starts changing. One of the simplest ways is to write the verses and phrases, maintain a journal, and read them multiple times a day. With consistent practice, it is surprising that the approach brings peace and tranquility by thinking about God’s Words.

Applying to Daily Life

If Christian followers think only reading and studying the Holy Text is enough, they are wrong. They read God’s Word, understand what it means, and apply it to daily life. When an individual reads the Bible and fails to act on it, it is not life-changing. While reading the new international version of the bible, question:

  • “Is God’s Words representing facts that I should believe?”
  • Does God want something life-changing in my life?”

Questioning the depth of the Holy Text helps people learn more about the Scripture and implement life-changing moments.

Begin Reading the Gospel of John

The Holy Text is not a simple book that individuals should sit down and read word after word like a novel. There are 66 books, 27 in the New Testament and 39 in the Old Testament. The best book to begin the journey is reading the Gospel of John because it has simple and concise passages to read and understand. The book gives insight into who the Lord Jesus was and His teachings.


The above analysis highlights the tips and tricks for reading the new international version of the bible. Reading the passages and applying the Word of God in everyday life is the best practice for Christian followers and believers.

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