It is reported that nearly 1 in 5 Americans are drinking excessively since the beginning of the pandemic. Addiction specialist Mike Diamond gives expert insight on what to look out for and where to go should you need help.
Mike Diamond is an acclaimed author, Guinness World Recorder Holder, renowned motivational speaker, TV personality, and well-known interventionist. His story is both informative and inspiring. Diamond’s journey to finding the absolute best version of himself took every ounce of his being to overcome drug and alcohol addiction. It was a process sixteen years in the making. Fortunately, Mike Diamond was able to share his powerful success story and teach us what it takes to change our lives.
I was born into an unhealthy environment that fostered unhealthy choices. I was born in Perth, Western Australia, and raised into a culture of “work hard, play hard,” which I took too literally. I started drinking while just entering my teen years. All we did at that age was play rugby, football, go to pubs and get into fistfights.
Later on, my drug habit formed when someone noticed I was looking a little sluggish at the gym. He offered me cocaine and I was instantly hooked. I went back a week later and bought some. It wasn’t much longer before I developed an addiction and started living this ongoing hardcore lifestyle. Eventually, I was at a certain point where I had become accustomed to it and became a high-functioning addict. Although I was achieving everything I’ve ever dreamed of–television, acting, Hollywood way of living–I still sensed the need to clean my act up.
I employed simple techniques to become sober and was hell-bent on achieving it. I took the initiative to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Being surrounded by people trying to better themselves will encourage your own behavior and actions. In the same way, one will become a drug addict by hanging around addicts, I took that mantra and applied it to sobriety.
These people, some of them were sixteen years sober at the time, empowered me and I had no choice but to emulate their success. They pushed me towards this path to accomplish what I have today. As a goal-driven person, I set out to attend three AA meetings per day.
Once I achieved sobriety, I found myself using my experiences towards helping other addicts. At first, I didn’t intend to become a sober coach. Instead, I taught people to make empowered decisions through meditation and mindfulness. People naturally ended up triumphing over addictions.
However, one day I received a message asking for my assistance. I was asked to find someone who was in a dark place and reel them back in. I immediately packed my bags and took a flight to find them. It was a new mission that allowed me to really empathize with people that share our struggles.
People started referring me to others and I had one new assignment after the other. I learned that many people, from all backgrounds, can succumb to addiction. I found myself traveling across the nation, searching for people that needed my help. Sometimes, I stayed with the person for a few weeks to several months. That process really enabled me to surrender my ego and figure out what people needed to survive their everyday lives.
My advice for those struggling with addiction is to start by setting realistic goals. If you decide to make drastic changes from the get-go, you might overwhelm yourself. Try something attainable, like going without drinking for a month. From then on, ramp it up from there and see how else you can improve yourself. Ask yourself what you can work on, without making excuses. Only then can you find a path towards a more fulfilled and happier self.
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