Miami Made: The Prophet David

Miami Made: The Prophet David #music #hiphop #albums #newartists #cool #musicians #miami #miamimade #prophet #beverlyhills #theprophetdavid #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag

We are excited to introduce you to The Prophet David, Founder of the Miami Made music label that is emerging with innovative musical rhythms and one of a kind lyrical genius. The Prophet David is breaking industry barriers by bringing Christian heart to the predominantly satanic realm of music that promotes violence, unclean sex, and love of money. All abominations to God, FYI.

 Instead, this warrior of God is stepping out and pushing back the filth of the old world, and taking full dominion as a blood bought child of God. It is written, “Who has come against the Almighty and not been harmed?” Therefore, one of His sons is forging ahead with great courage in the strength of the King of the World. Let’s get up close and personal with The Prophet David, a son of God and heir to the Eternal Kingdom of Grace.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Where did you grow up? and go to school?

The Prophet David: I grew up in Miami, born and raised. This is where the Miami Made moniker came from.  I was  educated pretty much by that college you probably heard of, the hard knock life.  I did go to a local college for a stint but that was basically to learn more about music production and engineering and also get free studio time. Well it wasn’t really free because you had to pay for the classes, but you know what I mean.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love Miami. It’s a big center for music creativity. Some of the best beats come from Miami. When did you discover your talent as a singer?

The Prophet David: I would say everything mostly started from early grade school.  The music classes, the singing, the piano (which my grandparents had a baby grand in their den), the connection with music, the rapping, the beat boxing, banging my wrist making drum beats on the lunch tables.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  God gives us all gifts and talents, and they usually show themselves when we are kids. That’s why I asked. What is your signature as a musical artist?

 The Prophet David: I would say originality is the main signature.  I like being original, I like being a leader.   Although I haven’t gone platinum YET, I know it will come in God’s time.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Amen. It is written, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,         that He may exalt you in due time.” So what’s your vision for your career?

The Prophet David: The vision now is to make music “For God”.  Yes, that’s right! I am no longer a secular artist.  I do praise and worship music.  Some call it Christian Hip-Hop. I call it Praise and Worship Hip-Hop.

Go check out his new song “My Daily Prayers” on his website

Miami Made: The Prophet David #music #hiphop #albums #newartists #cool #musicians #miami #miamimade #prophet #beverlyhills #theprophetdavid #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love it! We need more Christian artists to step into the secular genres to bring worship to God in all forms. Right now music is really dark. God inhabits the praises of His people and God is light, so with Christian artists taking over, they’ll expel the darkness. What does your music represent?

The Prophet David: My music represents the Lord Jesus and how people need to seek the Kingdom, be aware of how dark this world we are in is now. You have to, “seek the first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be given to you”…(Matthew 6:33 go read that verse, heck read the entire chapter!)

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Amen! Read the whole book! Again and again! What is your greatest passion in life?

The Prophet David: Well, that is a two part answer.  Music and God.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love Jesus too. He’s amazing! He created music, and it serves to heal our souls, when it’s created from light. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced as an artist?

The Prophet David: Having the right team.  Especially now!

Beverly Hills Magazine:  I know, but God will open all the right doors if we wait upon Him. If we act from free will, we could end up in a trap of Satan. Trusting Jesus and staying in God’s will is key to success. What are some of the greatest rewards?

The Prophet David: One of the greatest rewards is being loved and blessed by the Most High and being a part of the Creator’s family.  There is nothing like walking with God.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Amen. Today I was pondering God’s goodness, and I’m just so in awe of Him and His unfailing love. There’s nothing better than walking with the LORD. What do you think makes an artist successful?

The Prophet David: The word “successful” could mean so many things to so many different people.  Success to one person may be completely different to another.  If you are talking about me, what would make me successful as an artist it would be to get the message God is giving me out to the entire 7.5 billion people in the world! Hopefully this interview will help do that.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Well, God is the giver of all growth. So as long as we keep doing what He’s called us to do, I think things will go according to His plan. How has God played a part in your career?

The Prophet David: God is my career.  I do this for him.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Amen. Me too. Everything I do, I do for Him. What brought you to the decision to give your life to Jesus Christ?

The Prophet David: I praise “The Father , The Son, and the Holy spirit”  I say this in the opening intro of my latest song “My Daily Prayers”.  The decision is based on my heart, mind and faith, and seeing all the signs God had put in front of me.  It was the best decision I ever made in my life.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Amen. Me too! This life is all about being reconciled back to God by the remission of our sins through faith in Jesus Christ. He died to set us free from sin, to walk in holiness and righteousness, so we could become children of God, never to be separated from Him again. What’s your favorite thing about walking with the LORD?

The Prophet David: Wow, great question.  Ok so this is for anyone out there reading this who wonders what it would be like…. One: You are never alone.  Two: You will be blessed now and in the future, and three: If you have faith and live righteously, you will earn your spot in the Kingdom!  The last one is the most important!

Beverly Hills Magazine:  So true. What advice would you give to aspiring singers?

The Prophet David: Again tough question to answer as depending on why they are aspiring to be a singer.  If it’s for the Lord then Amen and God bless and if you’re looking for someone to work with and rap along with you, you can go to my website and email me at Let’s work!

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Have you discovered a personal purpose to what you do?

The Prophet David: Yes this is my gift and I am sharing it with the world!

Miami Made: The Prophet David #music #hiphop #albums #newartists #cool #musicians #miami #miamimade #prophet #beverlyhills #theprophetdavid #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.