Meet the Author: Stephen G. Eoannou

Award Winning Novelist Stephen G. Eoannaou #meettheauthor #amazingwriters #goodbooks #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhillsmagazine
Award Winning Novelist Stephen G. Eoannaou #meettheauthor #amazingwriters #goodbooks #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhillsmagazine

Some authors have a talent for crafting stories that transport readers through time and emotion, and Stephen G. Eoannou is one of them. An award-winning writer, Eoannou has made his mark in historical fiction, bringing to life compelling narratives filled with rich detail, complex characters, and gripping themes. With works like Rook and Yesteryear, he continues to captivate audiences and prove that storytelling is an art form that stands the test of time.

Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, Eoannou’s deep connection to history and his hometown’s legacy is evident in his work. His writing delves into the past, unearthing forgotten stories and bringing them into the present with a masterful blend of fact and fiction. Whether he’s exploring the life of a legendary radio personality or crafting a noir-inspired thriller, his ability to create immersive worlds keeps readers hooked from the first page to the last.

Beyond his novels, Eoannou’s work has been recognized in various literary competitions, earning him accolades for his short stories and contributions to contemporary literature. His passion for storytelling is matched by his dedication to the craft, making him an inspiration for aspiring writers and an author to watch in the literary world.

In an exclusive interview with The World’s Most Famous Podcast, produced by Beverly Hills Magazine, Stephen G. Eoannou shares insights into his writing journey, the inspiration behind his works, and what’s next in his literary career. Stay tuned as we dive into the mind of a writer who continues to redefine historical fiction and storytelling.


Beverly Hills Magazine: Welcome, Stephen!

Stephen G. Eoannou: Oh, thanks for having me.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Absolutely! I want to congratulate you on your recent works. I’m so excited to learn more about your talent for writing. I’m a huge fan!

Stephen G. Eoannou: Yeah, thank you! Writing is a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of work too. You know that!

Beverly Hills Magazine: Oh, absolutely! So let’s start with what initially drew you to storytelling and writing?

Stephen G. Eoannou: A lot of it comes from growing up in a family of storytellers. My father was an incredible storyteller. He shared stories about coming over from Greece as a little boy and growing up during the Great Depression. I hung on every word.

To be honest, I stole a lot of his stories for Yesteryear. He told me about his friend Lefty, who was a dog thief, and an alcoholic boxer who would come into my grandfather’s restaurant, give my dad his diamond ring to hold because he felt a bender coming on. It was like the Wild West!

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s incredible! So what was the first book you ever wrote?

Stephen G. Eoannou: Do you mean the first one I wrote or the first one I published? Because those are different answers!

Beverly Hills Magazine: Whichever one you’d like to share.

Stephen G. Eoannou: The first book I had published was my short story collection Muscle Cars in 2015. It was actually my MFA thesis. I describe it as 17 short stories about guys making bad decisions. I had to stop at 17! It’s only semi-autobiographical.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s hilarious. Have there been any authors who have influenced your writing style? Or is it just your natural talent?

Stephen G. Eoannou: Everything I read influences me, for better or worse. But some authors really stood out.

John Irving had a big impact on me. When I was in high school, The Hotel New Hampshire was being serialized in Rolling Stone, back when it was a newspaper. My sister and I would fight over it when it arrived! Then for Christmas, she bought me the book, and I was blown away by how Irving could make you laugh until you realized how sad it actually was. That emotional whiplash was brilliant.

And then there’s William Kennedy, the author from Albany. His Albany TrilogyBilly Phelan’s Greatest Game, Legs, and Ironweed—influenced me because of his strong sense of place. I thought, “If he can do that for Albany, I can do it for Buffalo.” So I made Buffalo my literary home.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love that. Your books Rook and Yesteryear have received high praise, and now you’ve just completed After Pearl. Tell me about it!

Stephen G. Eoannou: I call After Pearl my pandemic novel, even though it has nothing to do with the pandemic.

I started it right before lockdown. I was lucky to keep my job, but after work, there was nothing to do except write or binge Netflix. So I threw myself into it.

It’s a noir mystery set during World War II. I actually blogged about how I was writing After Pearl purely as an escape. I had no idea if it would ever get published—I just needed something to focus on while being isolated with my one-eyed dog.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s fascinating! Reading is an escape for so many people, so I love that writing was an escape for you.

Stephen G. Eoannou: Exactly. That’s the power of books.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Your novel Yesteryear is about Fran Stryker, the creator of The Lone Ranger. How did you research such a historical figure?

Stephen G. Eoannou: I did a ton of research. Fran Stryker is from Buffalo, and when he passed in the 1960s, his estate left all his papers to the University of Buffalo, where I’m an alum.

So I had access to 13 cartons of manuscripts, radio plays, telegrams, correspondence—just a treasure trove of history. Reading through those original materials was like stepping back in time.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That must have been amazing! Do you think historical fiction will always be your main genre?

Stephen G. Eoannou: I think so. I love taking real history and building a story around it. The challenge is to remain true to the facts while making the narrative compelling.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What do you hope readers take away from your books?

Stephen G. Eoannou: I want them to be entertained, of course. But I also want them to think. If someone finishes one of my books and then starts researching the real-life history behind it, I’ve done my job.


Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s a great way to put it. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Stephen G. Eoannou: Read everything. Read good books, read bad books, read outside your genre. And most importantly, just write. You only get better by doing it.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What’s next for you?

Stephen G. Eoannou: Right now, I’m promoting After Pearl, but I’m always thinking about the next story. I have a couple of ideas cooking.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Well, we can’t wait to see what’s next! Thanks so much for joining us.

Stephen G. Eoannou: Thanks for having me. It’s been great!