How to Study from NCERT Books?

How to Study from NCERT Books? #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #class9Hindiexam #internalassessment #writingskills

Hindi is the mother language of the majority of the population in many states in India. Still, it is not the mode of conduct or teaching in schools in India, especially in private schools. Hence, it is important that this subject is given the recognition it deserves and students work hard in learning the language. Students might be fluent in speaking the language but often find it difficult to read and write it. It can be a simple language if the student takes an interest. Additional language subjects can be high scoring subjects and improve the student’s overall aggregate percentage. 

Study Tips 

The syllabus for class 9 Hindi has been divided into four NCERT books- Kritika, Sanchayan, Sparsh and Kshitij. Kritika, Sanchayan and Kshitij contain different chapters for students covering topics on moral living, day to day life situations etc. They also aim at improving the student’s grip over the language by helping with grammar and reading and writing skills. Sparsh contains all the prose and poems in the syllabus. 

The final exam is of 80 marks and the remaining 20 marks are for internal assessments conducted by the teacher. The paper is divided into 4 sections depending on the type of questions. The exam consists of comprehension, creative writing, grammar and literature questions. There is an internal choice between some questions. Always attempt the question that you are fully confident in. 

Some tips that will help you score good marks are:

  • Read all the chapters- Thoroughly read all the chapters in the syllabus for the exam. It is important that you go through all the chapters and understand them. Mark the important points and clear any doubts if you have any.
  • Attempt all the questions- Most questions in literature are asked from the textbook. Besides knowing and understanding all the questions it is imperative that you attempt all the questions and exercises in the NCERT book. Write all the answers down so that you practice your spelling also and in this way you will be able to memorise them better. After writing all the answers down, assess how well you know the chapters by checking your answers with the NCERT solutions for class 9 hindi.
  • Practicing writing answers and creative writing questions is important in order for you to score high marks in Hindi. Marks are deducted for incorrect spellings and grammar errors so it is important that you write and practice all the answers, letters and essays. 
  • Prepare a timetable- Preparing a time table is necessary so that you finish your syllabus in time and do not have to leave any chapter out of the syllabus. Read and revise the chapters regularly. The NCERT book is the most important for preparing literature. Practice enough grammar questions. Make sure to go through all the syllabus once as still have enough time to revise it all before the exam. 
  • Give equal importance to the book with poems. They may seem easy but it is important that you understand them properly, underline the important lines and attempt the questions and exercises. Many times in the exam questions to interpret lines from the poem and explain them are given. To attempt these well, it is necessary that you have properly understood the poem and its interpretation. 
  • Practice enough grammar questions- Be familiar with the topics of grammar that are in the syllabus and refer to the prescribed reference NCERT books given for it. Grammar can be high scoring if you attempt enough practice questions and clear your concepts. In case of synonyms, antonyms, idioms etc. write them down and memorise them. Listing all of them will make it easier for you to revise them as well.
  • Attempt sample papers- As a part of your preparation regime, make sure to attempt sample papers or papers from previous years. This will help you understand how to attempt the question paper and get you familiar with the pattern and kind of questions you can expect. This will help you understand also how to write your answers and help you practice your grammar and spelling as well. While attempting the paper make sure you time yourself so that you know how long you take to finish and if you exceed the time limit. Make sure to always have enough time to go through your answers before submitting the answer sheet. Attempting the sample papers regularly will help you manage time and also boost your confidence. Assess your attempts to know your position in terms of how much you need to prepare more and which part needs more practice or studying than others. 
  • Practice creative writing- Students can get stuck while attempting creative writing questions. You can get stuck with spelling or grammar or not understand what to write and get the flow of it. To avoid facing these problems during the final exam it is important that you practice a few questions during preparation. Practice letter formats as well. Practicing will help you answer the creative writing questions more efficiently. Practice how to end and start a letter, how to address the receiver formally or informally depending on the question and also give a structure to your essay. Giving structure means that it has an introduction, main body and a conclusion. 
  • While attempting the exam keep in mind to attempt all the questions and not leave any blank. Writing something even if you don’t know the complete answer is better than not attempting it all. Keep a check on the time. Make sure you have enough time to read through your answers before you submit your answer sheet. Check the grammar and spellings while revising. While attempting the unseen passage for comprehension make sure to read it calmly and attentively and then attempt the questions. Attempt the questions calmly. If you feel you do not know any question and it is taking time to think of the answer, move forward and then come back to it. Do not spend too much time on any particular question.