Getting a perm may be one of the easiest and quickest ways to spice up your looks. When it turned out bad however, then getting rid of it might not be as easy and quick – or is it?
Through no fault of our own, we sometimes want to go out of our comfort zones to try out new looks. In this article we look at some ways on how to get rid of a perm as painlessly as possible.
How to Get Rid of a Perm: Hair Home Remedies
The many chemicals that are used when you are permanently curling your hair into locks actually modifies the internal structure that composes your hair. Salon and home-use perms are not at all foolproof. This means that you can end up having hair that might be way too curly than what you initially envisioned. Furthermore, the chemicals used in perms can cause dryness, and impossible to manage frizzy hair. It is wise to use safer, and more natural remedies that can be done at home, which would add to the moisture of your hair and will also loosen the tight and dry hair curls. (Image Credit: JasperSinn/Pixabay)
Here are some of the notable household items that you can use in getting rid of a perm.
How to Get Rid of a Perm Using Olive Oil
As what has already been mentioned, perm chemical causes the dryness and the rough texture of your hair. And how else to better put some moisture and glow back to your hair than using the age old ingredient – oil. A certain type of oil that is common in most households is the olive oil. This can be perfect in restoring your hair because olive oil contains a lot of antioxidants which includes vitamin A and vitamin E.
It is best to use the extra virgin olive oil variety as it packs more nutrients and contains less chemicals which could reverse what you are trying to do. The way you apply it is by applying half a teaspoon directly on your hair. Run the oil from the roots to the tips with emphasis on both ends. Let it sit for a while to ensure that the moisture seeps deeply into the hair strands. After a few minutes but no more than half an hour, you can then rinse using lukewarm water.
This procedure can be repeated everyday for at least one week to see immediate results. It is best applied right after shampooing to ensure that no dirt will be locked in the hair under the sheet of oil that you apply. Make sure to rinse as the oil can have a negative effect on the skin if left too long.
Extra virgin olive oil is a perfect way for you to get rid of perms without spending the earth. And because most kitchens already has this product ready for you to use, then you might not even have to spend anything at all. Or maybe you have to eat your next few salads a little bit drier than usual.
How to Get Rid of a Perm Using Egg and Avocado
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about eggs and avocado is the perfect low carb breakfast. And many would not blame you if you thought the same as well. And what makes this meal better, other than being low carb, is it being high in protein. This is the same protein that can be of great benefit to the hair.
Protein is the building block of our muscles in our body. It is said that it can fortify the body to make sure that we are in our tip top physical self. But, what it is also known for is its ability to repair damages done to the body, including the hair. Eggs that are rich with the protein we are looking for can fix the broken strands of hair left by a bad perm in its wake. And combine this with nature’s best fruit(controversial, I know), avocado, and you’ve got yourself the one two punch to knock perm out. What we want from avocado is the natural oils that it has from its fats. This oil will act the same way when we use olive oil in hair.
For best results, use equal parts of egg and avocado. Create a mixture by mashing the avocado, scrambling the eggs, then combining them. As a pro tip, resist the temptation of putting them in a pan. Let the mixture you just created sit for a while to allow solid particles to set. Then apply it liberally in your hair. Be warned that the mixture can be quite sticky and difficult to take out so make sure you do not any of it in your clothes or furniture. After leaving it on for a while, rinse it with lukewarm water. Similarly, you can apply this mixture everyday for a week and you can see tangible results.
The purpose of the mixture is mainly to replenish the nutrients that may have diminished because of the perm. The protein and fat in the mixture should act as a counteragent against the damage that was done.

How to Get Rid of a Perm with a Hair Rinse
One of the main reasons why people regret having a perm is the dry frizzy hair that results. Frizzy hair is terrible. It is difficult to manage, and can become impossible to deal with especially if there is too much moisture in the air. The frizz in the hair does not only make your hair look dry and all over the place, but there is quite an unhealthy component there as well. Hair that is difficult to manage means that the hair is also lacking the most vital nutrients.
So how do we remedy the frizzy hair problem resulting from perms? There is no easy answer to this but a quick solution that just might work for you is to have a rinse. First things first, we have to figure out first what to put in our rinse. The most common liquid to use is carbonated water. This means you can use either soda water if you have it or sparkling water if you are fancy. Either way, both are sure ways to fight against the evil that is frizz. Another liquid that you can use is apple cider. However, as your soured expression upon reading has already given away, the smell could be too strong for you. In which case, you may choose to dilute the cider with water so that the smell would be tolerable for you. If you just can’t dare to put vinegar anywhere your nose can reach, then maybe you are better off with the soda water.
The best thing about a rinse compared to the other household remedies that was mentioned is that it will not have to be left on your hair. As the term rinse suggests, you simply have to let it pass by your hair for a bit then you can really rinse your hair, but this time with clear water.
Another option that you might want to consider is to combine the rinse with one of the mixtures in the list. For instance, you can choose to put the olive oil on. And then, as soon as you feel like it is time to take it off, then you could rinse it with the solution before rinsing it with lukewarm water. This way, you can revitalize your hair by getting the nutrients it once lacked and, at the same time, taking care of the frizziness.
Frizz resulting from a botched perm job can be quite annoying and it would be better for you to act quickly enough as soon as you spot the bad perm. Frizziness spreads through your hair, not dissimilar to how wildfire spreads across the grasslands. Make sure you put out the fire with a rinse as soon as you can.
How to Get Rid of a Perm by Loosening the Perm
It is now known that perming does not only put curls on your hair but also alters the internal structure that it once had. It is true that it is close to impossible to reverse this process as the chemicals can leave a lasting effect on the hair. However, you do not have to wait to regrow the entire length of your damaged hair to start looking regal again. There are some advanced conditioning treatments that can do wonders to your hair. Some oils, namely the canola oil and vegetable oil. These can help loosen your perms to make sure that the damage does not spread as fast.
The best way to treat any damage is by routinely taking care of it until the damage is undone. It is no different when it comes to hair care. It takes a while for the damage to be retracted. And though it may never return to its former glory. You can at least have a stopgap crown until it grows out the damaged perm.
Visit a Hair Salon to get rid of Perm
Going to a hair salon is the best option for getting rid of a perm since they have the right chemicals and training to prevent hair damage. Professional stylists can use different methods like keratin smoothing treatments or chemical relaxers to straighten your hair. But they may not recommend an immediate chemical treatment and instead suggest some soft solutions to help undo the perm. For example, they may recommend using specialized conditioners, shampoos, and weekly deep conditioning treatments. These could help repair damage from the chemicals used in the perming process and soften strands to make them look more natural. They may also recommend trims every few months and using fewer styling products such as heat tools or hairspray while transitioning away from the perm look.
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