As creator of heaven and earth, it’s not a stretch to say that God has amazing powers of life transformation. In our modern day, some of the most amazing transformations we see are of the life-altering variety. A person who was previously addicted to drugs and alcohol reconnects with God and finds the strength to overcome. A congregation collectively prays for an ailing person to recover – and they do. God’s powers to transform are limitless, but they do come with one caveat. You have to choose Him as your personal savior. Then you must invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, and He will guide you and comfort you all the days of your life. (Image Credit/
A transformation of the mind
We were created with free will, so we can make our own choices. God has a plan for each and every one of us, but it’s up to us to choose His way. That is one transformation the He cannot make.
If you’re in a dark place, it’s because you have not chosen the light. When we come to fully understand what this means, we can open our lives and hearts to change.
Choosing God means living in His image, which is powerful in and of itself.
When all else fails you
Many people who have walked away from their relationship with the Lord hesitate to return because they feel they are not worthy. In truth, none of us are worthy of His grace. We are born into a fallen world of sin, but He loves and accepts us anyway.
While you were out there making poor choices, as we’re all guilty of at times, God was waiting with open arms. Even now, regardless of what you’ve done, He’s waiting for you to return to His light. It’s a simple choice that can instantly create a lasting life transformation.
What transformation means
When we talk about transformation, it’s important to understand what it means and what it doesn’t. Choosing the path of righteousness will save your soul and give your life on earth purpose and meaning. Plus joy and peace!
When you choose God, you will have struggles and you will falter at times. But you will also have an undying faith and a renewed purpose. With God, your life has meaning. This life transformation will endure as long as you continue your relationship with Him. You must stay close to God every day through prayer, worship, and reading the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” ~ Romans 12:2
Building upon faith
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you dreading another day at work, or are you filled with hope and promise? If you’ve chosen God, it’s the latter.
Your faith will help you understand that whatever you’re going through now is a blip on the radar of eternal bliss. Your faith will help you understand that you’re not alone. God is by your side and will guide you through this hurdle to find eventual peace and happiness.
You can go about your daily life knowing that you’re on a meaningful journey. With faith and knowledge, you can find the motivation to stay clean, get a better job, practice kindness to strangers, or overcome any struggle. You see, true personal success means coming into alignment with God’s perfect will for your life and fulfilling your divine destiny.
Do this today
Whether you’re a faithful and devoted Christian or have yet to accept the Lord Jesus as your savior, you have a choice to make.
It’s not enough to choose God once. It’s a constant choice we make to bring the Lord into our lives. If you have strayed into the darkness, it’s easier than you think to return. Simply choose.
Choose to allow God into your life and you’ll begin to notice a transformation almost immediately.
Since we are His children, God plays a huge role in any life transformation we go through. By accepting Him, we live a life of daily spiritual transformation. Walking iwth the Lord is the highest level of spirituality any human being can achieve on earth. This is what we want when we ask God for His Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven. Say this prayer…and begin your journey of personal transformation with God today!
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