The season to be jolly is upon us and everyone is looking for something to give his or her special other. It may not always be the easiest job to pick out the perfect gift for someone dear to you. Even married couples who spent a few decades at each other’s loving embrace might find it hard to pick out something that the other half would absolutely appreciate. And if that special someone, a parent, a lover, a sibling or just a friend, is an architect, there is good reason to start scouring online resources, such as this one, in hopes of finding something that would relate to a world almost entirely on its own. A good old-fashioned architecture Christmas card might be enough to let the other person know that you care. Add that to a novelty or practical gift that architecture junkies would enjoy, then you have yourself the perfect gift for an architect. (Image Credit: Rawpixels/Pixabay)
In this article, we will list down some of the best gifts that you can give your special other on Christmas.
Architecture Christmas Cards – Architecture Inspired Lego
The fusion of toys for kids and architecture would probably be found in a Lego set and it does get better. There are a few dozen different Lego sets designed specifically for the enjoyment of people who are particularly fond of architecture. Give your architect special someone one of these and make sure to awaken his inner child and marvelous wonder.
Who it is for: If the receiver is one that particularly appreciates getting toys for Christmas and has enough free time to spend on something as excruciating and demanding as completing a Lego model, then this gift is for him or her. You should also consider the space that he or she has as it might not be suitable for playing with Lego models and instead cause the place to be crowded with it. Remember how small these Lego pieces are and losing one can be quite easy. When you have a son, daughter, or anyone younger who dreams of being an architect one day, you could also give him or her this set in hopes of further encouraging him or her to carry out his or her dream.
Who it is not for: While no one can resist the lure of Legos, these toys are not suitable for toddlers as these are choking hazards. It really is fun looking at your little architect holding out the design like a blueprint and trying to make sense of, in his or her mind, squiggly lines and shapes, it might not be the best to give. So, if you are intending on surprising your nephew or niece for a Christmas gift, better to ask his or her parents first his or her age to make sure that his or her shiny new toy from his or her favorite uncle or aunt will not be the reason for him or her to have to go to the emergency room.
Outlook: Along with a fun architecture Christmas card, wrap this gift in a big gift box and watch the receiver beam with delight at the sight of something shiny and exciting. It may cost a lot of bucks more than your usual office gift but it is truly worth it.
A Good Old Architecture Book
If the receiver is a bookworm on top of being an architect, a good architecture book might be more his or her speed. There are quite a lot of choices when looking for the perfect book. Think of it as finding the exact book that fits his or her personality. It might pay to keep attention to what schools of thought, philosophies or branches of architecture, the gift-receiver is registered to. While it might be worth something to try to open up his or her horizons, the best way to look at it is having the opportunity to let the receiver know how much you pay attention to his or her lengthy lectures about architecture.
Who it is for: Architecture students would likely, not only enjoy this gift as it is soon to be their profession, they may also be able to use it in one of their subjects. For a student of architecture, any gesture that lets them save a few dollars given the high costs necessary to continue their schooling is quite welcome. On the other hand, if the receiver is an architecture professor, then you will be able to give him or her another reference for one of the subjects that he or she is handling. Nothing is better than acquiring another book to add to your library for a field of interest that you particularly love. A professional working as an architect full time may also be able to appreciate being given a book that could expand his or her horizons. It is absolutely important to be up to date to make sure that he or she stays at the top of her game with all the knowledge necessary to become the absolute best that he or she can become.

Who it is not for: Before buying anyone a book, you have to be absolutely sure that he does not own it yet. Unlike other literary books, where rare editions have a bigger value, architecture books are technical thus it should always be updated and old versions may no longer apply or some new checks have been introduced since the first editions. You should also mind the age of the gift receiver before buying him or her a book. While books have a certain charm to it compared to reading on a tablet or a computer, some may simply have no time or the extra space to store another book in his or her home. Keep in mind that architecture books can be huge and would take up a lot of space since these are usually filled with drawings and illustrations.
Outlook: As with any book that you intend to give someone dear to you, it might be best for you to read it yourself first. This is especially true if you are giving the gift to someone that you are romantically involved with. Nothing feels better than talking about a book with someone that you have read from page to page. Along with an architecture Christmas card, give the book a chance to be something that binds you so you can advance your relationship.
An Architecture Gift Card
Nothing beats an old fashioned Christmas card, and with an architecture Christmas card, you don’t only say that you care but you also say that you are proud of what the person has become or what he is trying to be. Architecture Christmas cards can contain funny pictures that can only make sense if the person you are giving to is an architect. Attached inside should be a message telling him or her how much the season means to you and how much he or she has made the season beautiful.
Who it is for: Give one to every architect you know. They will appreciate it and they will know that you think about them. It is a cheap and inexpensive way to spread the love on a time of splurging. The beauty of having architecture Christmas cards is that you can choose how personal the message is going to be. You could choose to give a lengthy message detailing your adventure as lovers in college as he or she is working for his or her degree. And on the other hand, it can be short and concise but sweet as with architecture Christmas cards that you may give your colleagues at work. Something that everyone might be able to relate to, will surely let them know that you value their profession and you have a bond as architects working on the same practice.
Who it is not for: Everyone else who is not an architect might not find value in being given one of these cards. You should especially be wary of giving this gift if your office has other personnel who works in as a different professional. For instance, civil engineers routinely work side by side with architects you could get them their own cards too.
Outlook: Whatever the season, you could never go wrong with giving someone a card and more so on Christmas time when card giving will be the norm. Make it sure that you are able to convey your feelings to the architects that you love with a personalized Christmas card. Put a picture of your family and let them know that he or she is also part of yours. It is definitely the season to be jolly and architects are no exception to the merry making.
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