Fashion World: Jesse Spitzer

Fashion World: Jesse Spitzer #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhills #jessespitzer #fashion #style #mensfashion #polo #tie

In 2018, Jesse Spitzer founded his own fashion brand with the goal of being able to clothe men in classic elegance. Of course, that’s not all. In the several years that Spitzer has been running his fashion brand, he has been working on making clothes that are not only professional-looking but also that are fashionable—rather than just bland like many pieces of men’s business-wear.

Stylish Cotton Polos

Jesse Spitzer is most popular for his low-key yet fashionable polos. All of the polos are made out of 100% cotton. As of July 2020, all of Spitzer’s polos are short-sleeved and made with one solid color. Customers can pick from polos that come in the following colors: navy blue, royal blue, kelly green, heather (blue), red, black, grey, and coral.

While the shirts come in a variety of colors, they have more in common than they not. All of the polos have three Mother of Pearl buttons near the color. The shirts also all have pique collars. The bottom of the shirt has an uneven unvented hem, which makes the shirt slightly longer in the back than in the front. This can give the illusion that the wearer is slightly taller. Lastly, all of the shirts have Spitzer’s red racehorse logo embroidered in the upper left chest area.


Spitzer designed the polos with the mix of simplicity and style on purpose. He wants all of his shirts to look like a stylish piece of art. After all, fashion is just another medium for art. Spitzer wants his shirts to “encapsulate the boundless spirit of America” and for his customers to feel like they are dressed like celebrities or the rich men on Wall Street.

Classy Silk Ties

While it’s a bit lesser-known, Spitzer also sells a variety of ties. Each of the ties is made of 100% silk, made in Italy. All the ties are also 3” wide, 59” long, and have the racehorse logo on the reverse side of the tie. This way, wearers can still show off the logo if they want to, but it will not interfere with the tie’s pattern. The available patterns include red polka-dots, blue and green or blue and red stripes, racehorses, gold swings, blue and green tartan, and red convertibles on a green background.


Final Thoughts

Jesse Spitzer has been working hard to create his fashion empire. His clothes alone show that he is making great strides in the fashion industry. If you want to learn more about Jesse Spitzer and his clothing line, you can follow the company on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!


Fashion World: Jesse Spitzer #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #jessespitzer #mensfashion #fashion #style #polo #tie #silktie

Hannah is a professional freelance creative writer. She has been writing professionally since 2014 and writing for entertainment for much longer! She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing with a minor in History. She hopes to one day publish a fiction book. In the meantime, she’ll write about fashion!