Looking for a great fashion and style that makes you look and feel like a Hollywood heartthrob? Well, here it is. Paul Walker shows us how effortless a sexy style for men can be.

First you’ll want to throw on a Polo Ralph Lauren hoodie for that added confident fashion for men that says “I look good, and I’m comfortable with it.” The winning piece in this outfit is the ultra sexy black leather jacket by All Saints. This simple style is perfect for all occasions and makes a great fashion statement. It’s a simple style for men that exudes strength and cool all in one.

Next, opt for dark denim jeans with a loose fit. Darker denim always gives a more stylish masculine vibe to any outfit. You’ll love these 7 For Mankind jeans for extra comfort. Grab your favorites or pick up this great new pair. This look is best worn with a white t-shirt and sweater underneath, in black or gray. Remember the darker hues are going to give you a mysterious style that everyone will love.

Complete your new sexy style for men with these Paul Smith tan suede shoes. The Men Only collection is a reflection of the men’s mainline collection and is convincingly Paul Smith style, with meticulous detail, craftsmanship and authenticity conveyed in every shoe, brogue and boot.

Finish this fashion magazine look off with a must have Bottega Veneta money clip and card case. This smooth woven bi-fold with color contrast has leather interior and six card slots. It’s made in Italy, and made for everyone out there with this one of the coolest must have styles for men.
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