Dr. Jennifer Berman: Trusted Sexual Health Expert

Dr. Jennifer Berman is America's leading sexual health expert.


Dr. Jennifer Berman is America’s leading sexual health expert, where she teaches the health of sexual intimacy between couples. She’s a neurologist and a best-selling author. In this interview, she has shared with us some valuable wisdom from her years of experience. She’s also a co-host of the CBS hit daytime talk show The Doctors. Let’s get up close and personal with Jennifer Berman. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: What a tremendous career you have! Tell us how you got started? Where did you grow up? Where did you go to college and what led you into the urology of all things?

Dr. Jennifer Berman: I was born in New York City in Manhattan and grew up there, we lived in the Upper East Side. I went to Dalton, up until I was 14 to 15. And at that time, my parents decided to move from Manhattan to rural Southeast Georgia.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What a change.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: My father was a general surgeon specializing in colorectal surgery. And I think he was at a point in his career, as a crossroads. Like do I continue? He was on faculty at NYU. He had to ask himself do I keep going down, trudging the road of academia, or branch out into private practice– big fish, small pond.

We lived in Manhattan and we made that move to Georgia and he ended up being the “Island King”, the mayor of that town, pretty much everybody knew him, which didn’t work to my advantage being a teenager again.

It’s funny, everything plays out for a reason, I think, had they not moved me from there to Georgia, which was, a different kind of academic less rigorous than Dalton, where I was the top of my class. I ended up being at the top of my class there, which then opened up other doors, which then led to other things. I ended up going to an all-women’s college in Virginia. I’m an avid equestrian horse woman and I wanted to take my horse to college. I was interested in English and wanted to be a writer at Hollins College, and they had an excellent Creative Writing department and courses. It was a finishing school for women and debutantes and southerners. I had a handful of friends from there that went on to careers. Going to Hollins led me to believe that I could do anything–I could be president of the United States if I wanted to.

I didn’t decide that I wanted to be a doctor until after I graduated. I had avoided all science, all math– I manipulated my way around taking all of it at Hollins college. But I decided after that, I wanted to go to medical school, and I learned of this post-baccalaureate premedical program at Gaucho College, where my mother went, also women’s college in Maryland. So I decided, I said, “ I can do anything.” I haven’t taken physics or calculus or any of that before, but I did have a great memory. I was verging on having photographic memory– at that time. I’m menopausal now, so it’s not so good. Back then, I knew I could memorize anything. Whether or not I understood it, I can’t tell you, but I knew that I had memory.

So I took the post-baccalaureate program and succeeded in getting through all of it. It was torture. Later, I ended up applying, getting into that Masters in anatomy program at Maryland College. What’s interesting about it is, having done that it was a year-long course; when I applied to medical school, I had taken everything. I’d already taken gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, embryology, biochemistry. So, by the time I got to medical school, that was a walk in the park. Everything sort of worked out as it should.


Beverly Hills Magazine: I’m a firm believer, everything happens for a good reason. The Lord always leads you where He needs you. God’s word says that He laughs at man’s plans. We think we’re steering the ship, but God’s controlling the wind, and it’s wonderful to see how our lives play out when we’re pursuing our dreams and our passions, and the things that we want to do.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: And this is in hindsight, now I’m to the point of pursuing, then I was just like, searching, thinking along those lines I’m making these realizations in hindsight. When I got to medical school, another funny thing we could do was pick electives. I didn’t get any of the ones I wanted. I got urology as one of them. 

In that urology rotation, there was a mentor there who took an interest in the students and research and let us operate. It was a positive experience. I knew that I wanted to be a surgeon, and do general surgery. I realized that urology encompasses women, men, young people, old people, and healthy people with acute problems that you could fix. That’s how I sort of decided on urology. 

There were very few women at the time in the field. At that time, it was sort of a male-oriented profession. Although women have neurological issues, there weren’t many [female doctors], maybe a handful, but now there are many. It is a great deal for women who want a surgical subspecialty within urology. 

What happened is during my early residency, Viagra got FDA approved for use in men. There was a lot of media attention and media buzz about Viagra and this little blue pill and what it did. I was a junior resident, and my chief resident and the attendees, were all in the operating room and my job was to man the floors. The people of the patients that were on the floors answering calls attending to them. We were one of the main centers for the studies of Viagra. And one of my attendees was one of the primary investigators. So we knew about it.

So, I ended up talking to a reporter just by chance because I was the one that wasn’t in the OR that day. And they sent me down and they said, “Answer the questions, whatever they want just answer.” I had no idea going into the interview, that one led to another that day and another one. I then ended up on the evening news with Dan Rather, talking about, sexuality, sexual health, and men, which then led to Pandora’s box of women rushing into the urology center, at the University of Maryland.


Beverly Hills Magazine: I see. So you were like a pioneer and spearheading kind of the revolution of women’s sexual health in the field? 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Before that [interview], it wasn’t even something that would be talked about, much less to women’s doctors. The aspects of doctors acknowledging that there are medical physical reasons why women have that, what they are, how they can be treated and educating medical students and residents.

Beverly Hills Magazine: It’s no wonder you’ve earned your position, you’ve earned your stripes, so to speak. And fast forward now, obviously, to the future. You’ve got a women’s Wellness Center here in Beverly Hills. How did that come about? 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: I went to medical school, back to that same mentor that inspired me to go into urology. He was doing sexual medicine, research on men. I worked under him in the lab, researching women, and all the basic science research studies. Then, I came out to Los Angeles to do a fellowship in female urology and pelvic floor reconstructive surgery and intended to go back to Boston to open up the center, the Female Sexual Medicine Center. 

I was working at that time with my sister, who was doing the psycho relational emotional medical team. When I came out to LA, they ended up offering me a position here to open up [the female’s center]. How can I turn that down? 

When you’re growing up in academia, you get kind of, I’m gonna say brainwashed, for lack of a better word, that there’s no other way than that way. The doctors who are out in the community, aren’t the pioneers, aren’t the movers and shakers, leaders and thinkers. If you aren’t here, you’re nobody. That was inculcated into my psyche, to where the thought of not being there, in that ivory tower was, to not exist. I gradually learned over time, that while there was an amazing opportunity there in terms of research and discovery, there’s also a lot of limitations in terms of, just expansion, growth, cutting edge things, freedom, expression, doing what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to do it. I finally got to a point where I had to decide to cut the cord and go out on my own. 

It was very scary, at first. I had no one to protect me. I could do what I want, establish what I want, buy what I want. It was like a little kid, going to camp for the first time without their parents or going to college freshman year. So, at the same time [I was excited] and also petrified, but I had a vision of creating a comprehensive holistic center for women’s sexual health, menopausal health, wellness, that enabled women to live happier, healthier, sexually fulfilled lives from a comprehensive kind of holistic approach.

Beverly Hills Magazine: So what determines someone’s “sexual health”?

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Sexual health is a critical component of general health and wellness. So, it is something that should not be overlooked or ignored, and it is related to function. For men, it’s “can they attain and maintain an erection” satisfactory four arousal….For women, it is lubrication, arousal, orgasm, libido, subjective assessments, vaginal lubrication, laxity or tightness, and all these other things. So things are functioning properly. The more emotional that relationship satisfaction is, the more important your sexual satisfaction is.

I’m not a sex therapist, I’m not necessarily a sex educator, I’m a doctor. But having done this for so many years, I know when this is more of an emotional relationship thing. I know now when there’s some sort of blockage. I know when there’s a medical physical thing that can be addressed. I’ve learned and I know who to refer to, on this spectrum– the regular kind of acupuncturist, to the energy healer.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That makes perfect sense. That also leads me to my next question, which was how can couples achieve sexual health? Is it quantifiable by physical compatibility, emotional connection, intellectual stimulation, no pun intended, or, purely sexual satisfaction and also compatibility? What is sort of the secret sauce to a couple’s sexual health?

Dr. Jennifer Berman: So again, I’m not a sex therapist, but having worked in this field for so many years, I’ve learned that it is a couples issue. Impotence is a couple’s disease. Assuming that there’s no dysfunction in maintaining sexual intimacy and making that a priority in relationships is essential for the longevity of the relationship. We’re sexual beings, intimately connected.

What do couples have that have been married 20-30 years? What are the commonalities that they have compared to everyone else who’s getting a divorce? Are there certain factors and certain ingredients and things that are consistent? Interestingly enough, this separation is that we’re so used to being inculcated verging on codependence, you know– making the boys or girls trips, that we’re a couple we need to do things together. But the apartness and coming back together, the separation and coming back together, it’s really important to have separation. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: I agree. Because I think codependency can be very unhealthy. I think you need to have some degree of interdependence in your marriage. And the old cliche distance makes the heart grow fonder, a little bit of that space allows you to miss and desire your spouse.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: There’s another thing, mutual respect– that they respected what the other person did, and stood for what they enjoyed. You respect and admire that they have hobbies and interests,  whatever they are. It’s a diverse person who’s independent. 

One of a couple of the essential ingredients is an attraction that you’re attracted to that person, Fundamentally, I know, and I have friends that say, I was never physically attracted to him, and I never liked to have sex with them. I just thought he’d be a great father. I thought it was the right time. We were in law school together. There is not a manufacturer of chemistry, and it doesn’t grow in time. And my journey is that you don’t manufacture attraction. People can kind of grow on you, but that chemistry that key data is either there or it’s not.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I believe that we got to have a balance of all compatibility for a healthy relationship with your spouse; emotionally, sexually, physically, intellectually. That’s sort of what the dating phase is for. It’s not that most people, especially in today’s generation, rush right into sexual compatibility without even determining the others. Overlooking them entirely. Then the relationship is predicated on purely sexual compatibility, which ultimately fizzles because it’s not balanced. It’s not a whole connection. That’s the problem. But everyone is trying to create relationships and marriage longevity. I believe what we all aspire to, really, and that is part of sexual health, it is marital health.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: It takes at least a year to fully know somebody, all their idiosyncrasies, their strengths and weakness, how they handle stress, how they enter anger, their relationship with their mother, their relationship with a distant sister, and about all the things that that are going to be critical to your relationship. You don’t know and see without time, so you have to, in my experience, it’s like a year before the negative things start cropping up. Then straight off, hey, I can live with this. I could live with that. I can’t. By the time women are having sex with the guy, especially as early on, we make excuses. Well, yeah, so he cheated that one time, but, he’s a man. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: They overlook red flags. We live in a culture now that’s all about immediate gratification, right? But I’m a traditionalist, I’ve been chaste for years, I’m not married, but I believe in being married before having sex. And I know, that’s very rare these days. But it gives you the chance to utilize the dating time, really as a getting to know each other, and all the compatibilities on the different levels. That’s a personal choice. I’ve made my choice, and that’s where I’m at. I’m a born-again, Christian. So believe me, I’ve been there, done that.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: No, I know, I’m just, I have another friend who’s like that. It’s not for religious reasons. It was for the commitment. She felt that she, I guess, was fundamentally terrified of giving, becoming vulnerable, and then him leading like that, at the root of it. She didn’t use those words, but that’s what I gleaned from it. 

The construct of marriage doesn’t prevent that. It’s funny, I’m married for the second time, I just got married again. I was not I did not believe in the institution after my protracted long, bitter, high conflict, divorce. I thought it was a construct of society. It was a business relationship. It wasn’t about commitment and all this other stuff. And I met a guy who is very traditional, and who believes in marriage and the sanctity of marriage and your wife and your name and stuff, which was like, I’ve felt the walls closing in at first.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Let go and let God. There was an article that you wrote about divine organization about meeting your spouse. How did you meet your spouse?

Dr. Jennifer Berman: I did meet him on a dating site. He was very private, really caring about people knowing his business. One of his friends encouraged him, and this pushed him. I was literally brand new there, I was a little bit more seasoned but then we connected.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I suppose it works. You’re sort of so isolated in your life, your personal life, and your professional life that it’s the only way to meet people. But I had experience and I just kept meeting the Mister Wrongs. So, that’s when I let go, let God. Now I just believe in the divine organization. God is going to order my steps and lead me to the right person and I’m putting my faith and trust in God. He knows my heart and he’s gonna give me the desires of my heart. There’s such liberation in that.

Congratulations on finding the one I mean, it’s such a beautiful thing. Marriage is a beautiful thing. I even want to say the holiness of what marriage is between two souls that are, becoming one and wanting to share life and love. It’s a wonderful thing that I think this generation has lost, but we need to get back to that.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: And I think that I manifested him in some ways. I think my mother passed away in 2010. I believe that she had some divine organizational activities going on because there are so many things about him that she would have loved or would have set like there.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Or she was tapping on God’s shoulder, hey, let him have this, make him like this. She’ll love that. Because if she’s up there with the Big Man upstairs, they can look down. They do peer in on us, so they are with us, and they are watching. And so that’s not surprising, you know like, I know what my little Jen would love.

So you have, I’m sure a long list of celebrity clients, no need to name names, but what are some of the most popular procedures we’re seeing these days?

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Celebrities are no different than the rest of us. However, they seem to learn about things, faster than the rest of us sometimes. They’re [female celebrities] interested in everything that has to do with anti-aging and hormone balance. Although, they don’t like to admit that. That is what frustrates me that these are women with a platform that are admired and looked up to, in many ways respected, mimicked, and adored. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: They can use that platform to educate the younger women, the younger generation.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: They could destigmatize the word menopause to embrace the changes that are occurring and the things that we’re doing to prevent them, but they don’t like doing that. I think everything that has to do with the antiaging and preservation of youth is of importance to all celebrities and all of us too. Things that improve the body, body contouring procedures themselves, building muscle, melting fat, looking good in bathing suits, looking good on camera, and finally obviously feeling good. Especially as women age, you know we with time and wisdom we gain perspective, whether you’re a celebrity or not, they just want to feel good like the rest of us and be happy like the rest of us and not anxious and tired, lonely or depressed, and optimizing hormone balance is a critical part of that.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I’m a believer that aging is a privilege denied to many. We, as women should embrace the aging process. It’s a beautiful thing to be given a long life. I don’t even use beauty products. I use vitamin E and I fast. I do 24-hour fasts and I do a weekly 72 hour fast: dry fast, no water, and no food. I’m not sure if you know the anti-aging benefits of that, but it’s amazing. I agree with you that there’s sort of this, trying to preserve your youth and deny the fact that you’re aging. Whereas if we just embrace the aging process, and we can age more gracefully.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: There’s still shame even amongst ourselves. There’s still this stigma, taboo, even talking about the medical condition of menopause and the symptoms. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s the process of life. Life is a beautiful gift– the whole process, from start to finish from day one, to our last day on earth, till the good Lord calls us home. How does spirituality play a part in one’s overall health or sexual health? 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: It impacts everything in our bodies, every cell, every vessel, every nerve, every organ. When people are coming from a place of fear, that mindset of worry and fear about something little something great impacts our health. They’ve even identified a worry gene. Now that’s associated with autoimmune disease, cancer. I believe that in my lifetime, maybe it will be mandated or recommended by the Surgeon General or any organization that doctors need to educate and inform their patients about the health benefits of meditation, and mindfulness, in terms of all aspects of health and well being,

Beverly Hills Magazine: The other thing is the power of our words. I believe we’re made in God’s image, our words are creative in power. So if you affirm to yourself, oh, I’m not feeling wellor rather, let me use the positive, I’m strong, I’m healthy, I will live a long and healthy prosperous life, and I’ll thrive physically, sexually, emotionally, all those things, but then the opposite is true, too. If you agree with your ailment or your depression, and you come into agreement with it, then you’re giving it power. So we have to reject that.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Not everybody you know grabs onto that and I can go full-on with some and then tiptoe with others, but imparting a seed of hope that this is going to improve and this is going to get better. The nature of my practice is I’m frequently the last stop that people have gone to see. And by the time they’ve exhausted all their options, they come to me. 

It’s only it’s not the majority and I wish it would change but where the regular bread and butter woman in her 50s I’m having hot flashes and what do I do? A clean case like, Okay, I know what to do, but you know that that would be a breath of fresh air. I get a lot of complicated cases, people that have been mismanaged, people that have tried all different things, people with autoimmune issues, and chronic pain issues, or cancer.

Beverly Hills Magazine: When I got baptized and born again, the Lord started teaching me about our power to walk in Divine health– really to have full authority over any ailment. God’s will, for us, is divine health, so sickness, any type, even something as mild as a headache is, is to not be tolerated. So you being a physician, knowing what’s possible, you can educate patients that that is what they can achieve if they’re not yet there.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: I do try and do it, not with a religious slant, but in a quantum physics, sort of medical spirit. The thing is that they have to believe it. It only needs to be a little seed of belief.

What if the outcomes changed, and my outcome from treatments is that everybody ends up being happy? One of your earlier questions about you enjoying what I do? I just intuitively incorporate it now. It makes them feel like I’m listening to them or understanding them. Then they believe, then they get hope, and then they’re out whatever it is that they’re worried about.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love that you said that. Even Jesus said, if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move over there, and it’ll move. Right now, with all this pandemic and this nonsense happening, we’re all kind of being conditioned to live in a state or mindset of fear. That is incorrect. There’s fear or faith, you can’t have both. Faiths believes in that all things are possible and in the power of divine healing and divine provision. So, we do have to stay in a place of faith and reject all fear, to walk in our divine health on every level. Do you have life quote or like scripture or a slogan or motto that you love that you live by? 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: David Singer, wrote The Untethered Soul. He writes about samskaras, wounds that we have to from our past, from childhood, little things, big things, whatever it are, that we’ve held on, to clutched on to or pushed away, things that we cling to, that we want on life–things that prevented us from being in a moment and experiencing the moment that’s unfolding. 

When I say relax, and release, relax and release, that when as soon as you feel those feelings. Your stomach gets triggered, and you find it from a place of wanting to eat or not wanting to lose. That’s your lower self; if you just let it go and let go and let God.

Singer also wrote on the untethered soul at work. God has put me where I am challenged, and struggle and I get triggered and listen to that book. Relax. he says, look at life as you know that this is an opportunity for us to grow and evolve, embrace, dare to lead.

Beverly Hills Magazine: The Lord helps me. That returns me to my peace. It’s like He is my peace. He’s the Prince of Peace and so for me, He’s it for me.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: That’s my anchor, my rock. Because yeah, life can get bumpy. We don’t know what’s gonna come our way. But it’s important to have that [ability to find a center].

I noticed when people lack it. The spiritually bankrupt. There there’s a line I can’t cross when people are resistant. I know how far I can go., but it was crucial, only to help too, see united women struggling in relationships and divorce and everything.

Beverly Hills Magazine: We’ve got to be whole, and that means in every dimension of our being. We are spiritual beings, having a temporary earthly experience. So we can’t neglect that part of ourselves; it should take precedence. That’s what’s made in God’s image. That’s what’s eternal.

In all of the searching and experience, have you discovered a personal purpose in what you do? I believe we are all sent here with a divine purpose. We have all gifts and talents that are unique to ourselves, to utilize for the contribution of the greater good, but it’s something we have to discover for ourselves so that we can be certain we’re walking in it, and in alignment with sort of that Divine Will and God’s plan and purpose. Have you discovered yours yet? 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: You think, again, a lot of things happened to me in hindsight, and I couldn’t learn I cannot learn from other people’s experiences and take your word for it. That stopped happening. So my life doesn’t work that way anymore. I’ve been called to a higher order of spirituality of mental fitness and health. I’ve had to, up to my game spiritually, personally, and also, be self-actualized. I’m a messenger. I’m an educator, I’m supposed to be breaking these taboos and helping women, optimize their well being and you know, enhance sexual health, which by the way, what’s weird is that I am, not like people perceive that she’s like this sexual dynamo. No if anything, like verging on like super cringy.

Which is weird to be like that, it like really freaks me out in some ways. Is that how am I like being this sexually free person like talking in these ways? I don’t talk in a salacious way, but I’m way more conservative way more than I feel like I should be in this role.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I think your conservativeness in this group is suitable for your role and position. If you were being too provocative and salacious, it would almost be inappropriate. 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: I don’t know, I’m sort of like I’m an empty nester now as of like, two weeks, and, in this new marriage, and getting older, like pushing 60.

Beverly Hills Magazine: . Oh, honey, that is young. Can we just please get over that too? I mean, I think the 50s are the new 30s I do. I believe we live forever. I’m born again, so I’m living forever, we’re going to go to heaven to be with the Lord.

How do you balance your spiritual and material life? Your professional and your personal life? I find it in prayer because I go and I’m just like, I come out and I’ve got an invigorated spirit. That’s why it’s again getting back to the  importance of our taking care of our spiritual self. So how do you do that? 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Well, I do it. I am a lover of those books or the books about how your mind affects your life and health and outcomes. I need to be aware of when I’m going down the rabbit hole, I don’t listen to that voice in there telling me you’re not this, you’re not that.

The other thing is I’m an avid horse lover. Horses are, I think, a mirror reflection of who we are, soul-wise, emotionally in any given moment. They will reflect on who you are in that moment. So it’s really important not to bring in all the stuff. So riding horses, is for me, like the best. 

I’ve tried a lot of other ways of being perfectly not in the moment; you can’t think about the past when you jump in the air. This animal is depending on you. To connect and I go through phases with the horses where I compete with them and where I do not feel like I’m not doing it right and I’m not missing. The horse is a mirror reflection of like things that I need to change on the outside world and then it goes it’s really weird and then it goes, “No, you just feel a strong spiritual connection with horses and they and the stuff going on on the outside happens.” 

It’s not the same [as prayer], but the control, the letting go of the perfectionism. Be it, being too hard on myself, whatever wouldn’t be selfish, all the things that that I struggle with will somehow show up over there. That’s the way that God speaks to me. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: Exactly. I was just gonna say that that’s what I love about the Lord is He’s so wonderful because He creates and controls everything right. He knows each of us intimately. He’s always with us He uses everything around us to speak to us. He’s always trying to woo us, through creation, all to bring us nearer to His heart so that He can be our comforter and our protector and just our everything. Gosh, I’m just so in love with the Lord. I could, I could cry right now. I’m a girl in love with the Lord.

That’s what God did. Part of what gives us spiritual wholeness is connecting with God and being present. That’s why I say, today’s a gift. That’s why it’s called the present, and letting go and letting God unfold His plan for us every day. He brings the right people into our path that we need to connect to either for a reason, a season, a blessing, or a lesson. His hand is sovereign. 

 I think when we try to control and manipulate too much, we’re resisting God, and that’s when we frustrate ourselves. That’s when we run into friction. I surrender to His will, that’s one of my prayers, “Lord, just have your will and your way.” I find life is so much more peaceful that way because His plan for every one of us is just so much more wonderful than we could ever try to make happen for ourselves.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: I believe that too. When I let go of that and say, No, I will not mind the day man. 

Beverly Hills Magazine: I saw something. I think it was on Facebook. But it said something like, “God is always good. We just stopped being grateful.” So, we can end on that. What an honor to speak with you, sister. God bless you. I love you. Jesus loves you. Congratulations on your tremendous success. 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Do these conversations come up with other interviews? 

Beverly Hills Magzine: Of course, I’m an open book. In all of our interviews, we always go into the spiritual because we are spiritual beings. 

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Not everybody thinks that way and not everybody can write it. Just from being a doctor so yeah, so I was wondering it from the media standpoint.

Beverly Hills Magzine: We always touch on it. Even in all our celebrity interviews. It’s part of who we are as part of our signature, especially as Beverly Hills Magazine. Being who I am, in my relationship with God, I wouldn’t have the magazine if it wasn’t for Him. I say He’s my boss. I’m just doing His work. 

That’s why I’m amazed at God’s goodness because His purpose for us is always not only for our blessing but for the blessing of others. You are certainly using your gifts and talents. And I know that God ordered your steps, even when you didn’t know it. I’m sure you are changing women’s lives. I’m glad we had this talk because it’s so important where to highlight the importance of our spiritual selves, especially in health. 

Well, thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure speaking to you. I can’t wait to meet you and shake your hand and give you a big hug. God bless you. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you an eternity of marital bliss.

Dr. Jennifer Berman: Thank you. 


Hannah is a professional freelance creative writer. She has been writing professionally since 2014 and writing for entertainment for much longer! She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing with a minor in History. She hopes to one day publish a fiction book. In the meantime, she’ll write about fashion!