How To Use Technology For Business

How To Use Technology For Business
How To Use Technology For Business

Businesses live and die by how many people are actually buying what they’re selling. If you still haven’t made you company fully digital, you have no idea how much easier it could get to increase your sales. Digital technology helps you reach out to customers all over the world, and makes their interactions with your business smoother and more secure. Here are a few ways you should use technology to help you expand your customer base.

Build an amazing website

A company website is the most effective way to tell people what your business is offering, and why they should come to you for that service. Building a website can be free, but you might want to invest in your own URL to make it look more professional. Once you’re happy with your website, submit the URL to popular search engines, which will make it easier for customers to find you through a search engine. Google and Bing, the most used search engines, offer the option of submitting your link onto their platform to improve your SEO ranking. Make sure you update your website regularly to give your customers relevant information. Also, having a Live Chat App on your website is a great way to keep open communications with all your clients. 

You could reach even more customers by releasing an app version of your website. Apps make your business accessible on any mobile device, so customers can reach you wherever they are. Consult for help on this expansion.

Offer a more personal experience

Technology collects data from your customers such as contact information, website behavior, and buying trends to deliver tailored and personalized experiences. You often see this method in action on Amazon. This means your customers only receive marketing communication and information that is relevant and valuable to them. It reduces the time they spend wading through irrelevant promotions, thus making their experience more pleasant.

Even if you don’t yet have the technology to do this, you should still take notes on your customers’ preferences. It never hurts to strengthen your relationship with them.

Improve customer service

By using email and live chat to answer queries, you’re greatly improving customer services and making your business more accessible. Include several contact details on your website, so your clients know how to ask your their questions. If you have a social media page, enable a direct message feature and give an estimate for how long it usually takes you to respond. Establishing a reputation for reliable customer service will gain your customer’s trust and loyalty.

Streamline payments

If you’re selling something online, enabling mobile payments such as PayPal can increase your sales by allowing more impulsive purchases. You’ll also receive prompt payments rather than dealing with a billing or invoicing system.

Use feedback to improve services

Once you’ve made it easy for your customers to contact you, use their feedback to make improvements to your business. Upgrade your website until it’s perfect, and improve your products to fit their needs better. Ultimately, using their feedback lets the customer know that you’re listening to their concerns.


Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.