Contrary to popular belief, studying for the Graduate Management Admission Test in less than six months is absolutely possible. Especially these days where everything is at your fingertips and many online resources offer a great success of getting through an exam. Among these is Exam Genius, they provide unbiased reviews of the best exam prep materials on the market and help you find ways of studying that work best for you. In fact, three months of GMAT prep is plenty of time as long as the college student is diligent in their studies. With that in mind, your main challenge may be in figuring out how exactly to go about your rushed prep without burning out. Here are the four steps you need to take in order to create a comprehensive GMAT prep plan in just three months. ( Image Credit: Jan Vašek/Pixabay)
Step 1: Understand What It Takes
It’s one thing to decide that you’re going to take the GMAT, but something completely different to begin your preparation. You need to first decide when you’re going to be taking your exam so you can figure out exactly how much time you’ll have before the big day. This will allow you to build out a comprehensive study plan that ensures you cover all of the necessary material.
Step 2: Take A Full GMAT Practice Test
Taking a timed, full-length GMAT in a realistic exam setting will give you a good idea of your strengths and weaknesses. This way you can build out your GMAT prep by allowing more time for your weaker areas. It will also give you practice with the exam format and timing. You should be taking practice exams regularly throughout your test prep, but it is just as important to give yourself a baseline in the very beginning of your studies.
If you aren’t sure how to interpret your results, try finding a GMAT tutor or prep program who can help you go over your test. Specialized GMAT experts will be able to help you figure out your weakest areas and even the best study strategies based on your answers so that you can plan out your prep accordingly.
Step 3: Create A Study Schedule
It can be easy to procrastinate on your studies or get too caught up in a particular area, which is why a study schedule is a vital part of smart GMAT prep. You need to schedule out every day, week, and month leading up to your exam to help you stay on track and ensure that you don’t miss anything.
Most GMAT tutors will tell you that studying for 4 days a week in three 30-minute chunks is the best way to cover everything without burning out. It can be tempting to try to study every single day between now and your test day, but this is more likely to lead to exhaustion. You want to be careful to avoid cramming as this will only make it more difficult to remember necessary details.
Step 4: Decide How You’ll Be Studying
After your first practice test, you’ll need to decide how you want to go about your test prep. This is different for everybody as you should be looking for study methods that best complement your learning style. Whether this means listening to lectures, reading prep books, or finding a GMAT tutor is completely up to you.
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