How Often Should Your HVAC Systems Be Serviced?

Beverly Hills Magazine How Often Should Your HVAC Systems Be Serviced?
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HVAC systems can be saviors in times of extreme weather. However, they need to be serviced regularly too. Here’s how you can determine the service frequency.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could move to a cool place from the sweltering summer heat or to the sunny weather from the freezing cold with the click of a button?

That’s exactly what HVAC systems help you achieve. These heaters and air conditioners make life easier for folks who live in places with extreme climates by providing a uniform temperature. They can also help regulate the humidity levels to make things more comfortable. 

But these HVAC systems need to be serviced frequently to ensure that they work well.

That’s not the only reason though. 

So, why should you get your HVAC systems maintenance done?

Let’s take a look.

Why Do You Need Maintenance on Your HVAC Systems?

In the end, all heaters and air conditioners are machines and you need to ensure that they’re maintained well so that they can operate properly. This is important because a poorly maintained system will shoot up your electricity costs without even giving you enough cooling or heating. 

Additionally, when a system is serviced regularly, you’ll be able to spot problems in it before they get out of your hand and damage the system. Finally, as these systems provide air to you, it’s important to ensure that this air is pure too, which, again, requires servicing.

So, let’s see how you can decide when to get your systems serviced.

How to Figure Out the Frequency of HVAC Servicing

Typically, you’ll need to get your HVAC systems serviced at least once every six months. This helps keep them in prime condition and also improves their lifespan. However, this could change due to a lot of other factors. 

You’d need to get the maintenance of your HVAC systems done more frequently if:

  • The system is old.
  • It operates in extreme conditions.
  • The system runs for long hours.

In a nutshell, you need to get them serviced whenever there’s added load on them.

For servicing, you should find a reliable HVAC services provider. 

What Should You Look for in an HVAC Service Provider?

HVAC systems are complex and to service them, you must reach out to experts. While considering service providers, you should look for their knowledge, certifications, and experience. It also helps to take a look at their reviews.

We, at Bradshaw Heating and Air Conditioning, have over 34 years of experience in the installation, maintenance, and servicing of HVAC systems. 

To learn more about how we can help service your heaters and air conditioners, check out the infographic below.

Roy Bradshaw Bio

Beverly Hills Magazine Roy Bradshaw Roy Bradshaw, is an HVAC specialist in residential service and installation. Roy, has over 30 years’ experience working on projects ranging from large track homes and planned communities to executive custom homes, and system replacements. Roy is factory trained to ensure he has the most up to date technical information and safety protocols. Roy is EPA certified with master certification in air flow and dust design.

Peace is a freelance content writer who enjoys reading, acquiring knowledge and she loves to code.