How To Prepare Your Business To Go Digital

How To Prepare Your Business To Go Digital: #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #digital #digitaltransformation #goingdigital #business #digitaltools #remoteworkers #businesssuccess

Digital transformation, sometimes called DT or DX, is the cultural and operational change of an organization through the smart integration of digital technologies and processes. Transformation happens in a staged way across all levels and functions of a company.

While digital transformation was already becoming more common, the number of companies integrating more technological elements into their AAworkplaces has shot up this year, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Remote teams and digital tools will soon be the new normal. Here’s how you can get ready for digital

Update Your Business Model

As we have seen since the outbreak of COVID-19, some industries are faster to embrace new technology than others. If your business model is only set up to include limited technology or doesn’t include any technology at all, then now is the time to think seriously about making the switch. 

Think about technology could become a part of your processes and practices moving forward, whether you embrace a small change like online meetings, or decide to go bigger and start looking for virtual receptionist services at affordable prices. You and your management team should be asking questions including:

  • How will digital transformation change your operations?
  • How will those tools impact current and new employees? 
  • Where will you implement new tech tools?
  • How will your business need to adjust its essential functions?
  • How will digital transformation affect your place in your industry? 
  • How will it affect your customers?

Adapting your business model in anticipation of digital transformation is not a small challenge, but it is one way to prepare your company for potential change in the future. 

Help Your Team Embrace Change

After looking at your options and deciding what you will change, you will next need to start preparing the members of your team for this digital transformation. It is common for people to feel resistant to major changes, so you should expect some pushback as you move forward with these changes. 

You need to empower your team and help them to feel confident so that they can thrive amongst the changes you decide to bring in. On your part, you shouldn’t act daunted by the coming changes. Lead by example and embrace change so your team can follow you. 

Choose Tech Tools That Fit Your Culture

Before you adopt any new tech tools or automate any of your business processes, you need to make sure that those changes fit in well with the rest of your business operations. In too many cases, tech tools can have a large range of bells and whistles that can actually prevent your company from accomplishing its goals. 

The tools that you choose for your company should offer solutions that streamline your business processes, make them more efficient and effective. Try to resist the urge to adopt anything shiny and new and instead choose tools that will equip your team better to do their work and serve your customers and clients. Be sure that all your tools and platforms fit in well with your company culture. 

Offer Learning Opportunities

Some members of your team will likely be interested in transitioning into new, more tech-focused roles as your company progresses towards digital transformation. Offer these people the opportunities, training, and resources to help them to expand their skillset and acquire new skills. 

If there are any adjusted roles and job descriptions within the company, make sure your team is always updated. Before you publicly post any openings for tech-centric roles, make sure you tell your employees that you expect to hire people for these positions. By telling them in advance, you give your employees the chance to qualify for these roles.