Funny Health and Fitness Insights

Funny Health and Fitness Insights
Funny Health and Fitness Insights

Finally getting yourself settled into an established, regular workout routine at the gym is far easier said than done. If you finally battle through and always attend when you mean to, then it’s a huge leap towards a healthier and happier future. In the process, you might discover a few things about yourself that you’d never known before. With a workout routine in the bag, your life will have changed to a great degree – so how many of these health and fitness insights sound familiar?

  1. You Can Tolerate Boredom Better Than You Imagined

Getting fit and into an established routine is great for the impact, but actually doing the working out part is… well, it’s less than enthralling. If you have found a way to zone out and get through, then you’re probably going to find the ability to be more patient in your everyday life, too.

  1. You’re Capable Of Being A Workout Bore

Once upon a time, the last thing you would want to talk was health and fitness. Now, it’s at the tip of your tongue, and you’ve found yourself having to rein yourself in. You don’t want to be a workout bore with opinions on stretches and dietary advice, but you’re halfway there already. At least you’re aware of it and can try and put the brakes on!

  1. You Have A Whole New Interest

Speaking of the above, did you ever think you’d find yourself so interested in fitness? Before you began your routine, you probably thought that looking for exercise advice or scouring nutritional guidelines at was the most boring thing you could do with your time. Now, a fun evening is browsing through and meal-planning your protein for the week ahead.

  1. You Can Never Have Too Many Socks

Before you got into your routine, did you think about – or wear! – socks very much? Probably not. But now they’re the cushion between you and your sneakers, so you find yourself spending more time thinking about them than you’d imagine. Not only do you want to find just the right sock to absorb moisture and give you grip, but you also have to replace them far more often than you’d expected. Who knew your expenditure for 2017 was going to include an entire section for socks?!

  1. Other People Can Be Awful

If you head to the gym when it’s quiet, for a moment it’s like heaven on earth. You head to the waiting row of empty treadmills and hop onto your choice. Another gym-goer approaches, and picks a treadmill right next to yours. Why? Can you not both enjoy the emptiness far away from one another? That’s not to mention the people who don’t wipe down the machines after they have used them. It’s enough to make you want to setup a state-of-the-art home gym just so you don’t have to deal with other people.

  1. Other People Can Be Awesome

That’s the flip side, of course! If you need help with exercise or nutritional advice, you’ll soon discover the people in the know about these things are free with their guidance. You can swap tips and find new ideas for things to try, able to vent those “workout bore” tendencies with others who would describe themselves the same way. You might even get a new circle of friends out of it.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.