5 Ways to Monitor Your Hearing Health With Technology

5 Ways to Monitor Your Hearing Health With Technology #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #hearinghealth #hearingloss #earhealth #hearinghealth #bevhillsmag
Image Used With Permission By Mark Paton on Unsplash

When it comes to health, it seems that hearing health is put in last place. But why? For the most part, people are just unaware of how to keep their hearing and ear health in high shape. It’s just not as pushed compared to mental health, cardiovascular health, or other aspects of health that get a lot of attention. Health it health, and all of it needs to be recognized equally. So, what are some healthy habits for hearing health? Better yet, is there any technology out there that can help out with hearing health? Here is everything that you’re going to need to know!

Hearing aid

Hearing aids are used to amplify sound and make it easier for people with hearing loss to hear. They are available in many different forms, including both digital and analog devices, which work differently for each person’s hearing needs.


An otoscope is a medical device used to examine the ear canal and eardrum of a person with an otitis media (an inflammation of the middle ear). The otoscope is usually made up of a lighted scope, mirror, and handle. It also includes a speculum that helps keep the ear canal open during examination. Regular GPs and Audiologists will have these, while you can technically buy these yourself, it’s extremely recommended to opt into one that a professional has as this is going to give you the best answer and experience.

Hearing tests

Hearing loss is a common problem that people often face. However, with technology, it has become easier to monitor your hearing health and prevent further damage. Hearing loss is an issue that many people are not aware of, yet it is one of the most common health conditions in the world. There are steps that you can take to monitor your hearing health and make sure it stays healthy. While audiologists can give hearing tests, which is recommended, you can also give yourself a hearing test too. There are more than enough hearing tests apps, but even YouTube videos to give you an idea of what frequency you can and cannot hear.

Wear Ear Plugs

Ear plugs help block out unwanted noise, which helps preserve your hearing. They also help minimize outside noise pollution, which can increase your risk of hearing loss. Whether you’re going to concerts, construction sites, or essentially anywhere that will be loud, where these. This little piece of technology can help you immensely.

Regular Check-Ups

When you visit a doctor for regular check-ups, they will look at your ears and test them for any signs of damage or disease. If there is any damage or disease present, they will be able to offer you treatment options and ways to prevent further damage or disease from occurring in the future. You may especially want to visit an audiologist; they’ll be able to help with things such as treating hyperacusis, among other ear health and hearing health-related issues as well.

In general, when it comes to hearing health, it’s just best to look after it; while there is more than enough technology out there, it’s going to mostly be up to doctors and what they think is best for you to use. So, just closely watch over your hearing health and avoid loud noises.