3 Little Things To Add Excitement to Your Lockdown

ideas to make your lockdown better beverly hills magazine


Lockdowns have been on and off all over the globe for the past year, and the future is uncertain. No one can predict when life will return to normal, and social distancing and self-isolation are likely to be around for a long time to come. Although these measures are in place to prevent the spread of a deadly virus, that doesn’t mean you have to enjoy them. 

Being stuck at home with nothing to do is at best, boring, and at worst, damaging for one’s mental health. Particularly for those who live alone. When you’re in the midst of a lockdown, you can only leave your home for essential reasons and are unable to see your friends and family. It can be hard to take, and you’re no doubt longing for the day when you can once again party with your friends, have dinner with your family, and travel the world without restrictions.

In the meantime, you have to settle for keeping yourself busy at home. But no matter how much Netflix you watch or how many Zoom calls you have, nothing seems to keep the boredom away. What you need is some excitement in your life. A rush of pleasure and joy to help you momentarily forget the monotony and feel good about your life.

Excitement can be found anywhere in life, and you don’t need to have a wild night out or a hike in the mountains to experience it. There are several ways to add excitement to your days without leaving the house. If you’re unconvinced, here are three little things you can do to get your pulse racing.

Get yourself lost

Everyone has the right to exercise, and you should make the most of your ability to leave the house for physical activity. Whether you prefer to walk, run, or ride your bike, you’re probably already bored of traveling the same routes over and over. So make your next outdoor excursion a little more exciting by intentionally getting yourself lost. Go out without a map or a plan and seek out quiet roads, footpaths, and trails you’ve never set foot in before. You’ll get a new perspective on your local area and will have some fun trying to find your way home.

Order a subscription box

A lot of people are fighting boredom through online shopping, but when you know exactly what’s coming in the mail, it’s hard to get excited. For more of an adrenaline rush, order a monthly subscription box. You can find boxes for almost anything you love, from food to books to beauty products. These products will arrive in custom printed boxes each month, and you won’t know what you’re going to get until you unwrap them.

Try new foods

Do you always eat the same things for dinner? Do you have a select few recipes that you alternate between? If you can’t go out for a fancy meal, try exciting your taste buds by trying some new cuisines. Get yourself a cookbook or find recipes online that catch your eye. Experiment with Ethiopian food or try one of Vietnam’s national dishes. With an entire world of food to try from, you’ll never run out of inspiration.

Peace is a freelance content writer who enjoys reading, acquiring knowledge and she loves to code.