11 Common Reasons Why App Stores May Reject Your App

11 Common Reasons Why App Stores May Reject Your App #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #appstores #mobileapps #privateAPI #developers #bevhillsmag

Mobile apps are the way of today and the future. As of 2021, more than 230 billion apps were downloaded, and the industry is projected to reach over $600 billion in revenue by 2025.

Getting on board this lucrative train is a wise business move for people in every field. But when you develop your app, the odds are against it being accepted the first time through.

App stores reject new software all the time, especially Apple iOS. Apple’s approval process is known for its strict protocols for apps developed outside of its platform.

To ensure your app is approved with as few rejections and as little extra cost as possible, check out these ten common denial reasons and fix them before you submit.

1. You’ve Plagiarized Another App. Yes, there are dozens of similar apps out there that focus on the same subject. For instance, self-help through meditation is a favorite for users and developers. But you can’t use another app’s code, make a few minor adjustments, change the name, and call it your own. You need to ensure every aspect is unique, starting at the coding.

2. Your Content Doesn’t Meet Their Guidelines. While there’s a wide range of things you can include in your apps, a few basic pillars are forbidden. Apple’s store doesn’t approve content that includes behaviors such as:

  • Pornographic material
  • Racism and other discrimination
  • Realistic violence
  • Gambling for real money
  • Drug and alcohol use

Apple’s platform intends to provide a safe and legal place for users. If your app is offensive or could encourage illegal behavior, it will be rejected.

3. Your App Isn’t Compatible With the OS

Universal apps are the preferred development system. These are compatible with any app store and device. The app could be rejected if your graphics don’t work well on different screens.

4. You Forgot to Include a Privacy Policy

Whether your app is collecting data or not, you need to state this in a privacy policy. This legal agreement between the app and the user explains how their data is collected and used. Apple and other stores are strict on this because countries like the US and Europe have laws requiring privacy policies.

5. You Have Private API Calls

Developers can use a myriad of functions, but not private API. This is a function or class that’s only used by Apple’s internal team. Using it in the coding will usually result in a rejection, but even if it doesn’t, it’s risky.

Apple can change private APIs without notice to anyone, and your app will lose functionality. Top mobile app development companies never use private API.

6. You’re Sharing Personal Data

Users have the right to decline sharing personal data. If your app must collect data, you need user permission first. If you’re sharing data without permission, the app will be rejected.

7. The App Doesn’t Make it Through Review

A team of reviewers will go through your apps thoroughly before they approve it for release. If it doesn’t make it through their process without crashing, or there are bugs that need to be fixed, it will get rejected.

8. Links Aren’t Valid

Part of the reviewers’ job is to ensure everything that is “clickable” gets clicked and the user is sent to the correct place. If any links are broken or invalid, you’ll need to fix them before your app is released.

9. It Takes Too Long to Load

During the review process, they’ll look for loading times, too. Reviewers will monitor how smoothly your apps switch from screen to screen using the average WiFi or cellular data connection. If the load time takes too long, they’ll return it to you to fix.

10. The App is Incomplete

You may think your app is ready to be released, but if the reviewers notice anything that appears incomplete, they’ll reject it, and you’ll need to address those issues.

11. You Forgot the Metadata

Before any app is released, there needs to be an approved description that explains what users are about to download. If you forget the metadata or it’s not accurate, you’ll have to get that taken care of before the app is accepted.